Salty's Dream Cast Casino, or just SaltyBet for short, is a website that embeds a stream usually of live competitive events like the Evolution Championship Series and allows its users to place virtual bets on said events. When there are no notable competitive events running, the stream runs AI M.U.G.E.N matches and allows people to bet on said matches. SaltyBet is purely for entertainment purposes, and no real money will be paid out.
Basically, two AI characters fight it out, and you bet imaginary currency on who will win. The more stacked the odds are against you, the more likely you are to win. Some of you may already know this from playing before (and I know some of you who have), so this might not be news to you.
The purpose of this event is purely simple. For the entire week, there will be a leaderboard of the top ten people with the most amount of salt screencapped. Of course, you must screenshot the entire screen so we can see that it is your account and make sure that no funny business is going on. Here are some guidelines and tips for you guys to go by:
You must make a new account for this event. That means even if you have an account already, you must make a new one. Luckily, this site does not require e-mail confirmation. Just make sure to remember the email and password you use for the entire week as that is what you will need to log on.
You must screenshot and post in #saltybet-submissions to show us that your account is new (we will know this if you have the minimum amount of salt). Screenshot before you make any bets. Your screenshot must also include your entire screen.
When you are ready to submit your latest highest score, YOU MUST POST IT IN THE SUBMISSION CHANNEL for it to be counted. Try to post at most once a day to avoid flooding the channel.
The site currently cycles between 3 modes. The cycle is 100 matchmaking rounds, a 16 character tournament, and 25 exhibition matches.
The tournament mode is where you may make the biggest increase in salt. If you happen to exist during a tournament, take advantage of it.
If you lose an all-in bet, you will go back to 100 salt. Your lowest beginning salt will increase the more you bet. We do not know how many bets it takes for your salt to increase, though.
1st place will be awarded 150 points 2nd place will be awarded 100 points 3rd place will be awarded 50 points 4th place will be awarded 40 points 5th place will be awarded 35 points 6th place will be awarded 30 points 7th place will be awarded 25 points 8th place will be awarded 20 points 9th place will be awarded 15 points 10th place will be awarded 10 points
Note: At the end of each day, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placements will receive a bonus of 15, 10, and 5 points respectively.