Hello campers, and welcome to the first day of Smash Camp 2022! This year's going to be fantastic if precamp's got anything to say about it; we hope you're as excited for the week as we are!
In these day posts, we'll tell you all you need to know and more. Before you read any further, it is important that you understand our submission guidelines.

All submissions go into the respective submission channel for your cabin. Entries will not count unless they are posted there. Only submissions should be placed in that channel. Keep all of your submissions in one message if the character limit permits. Use image links (from Discord, imgur, etc.) instead of directly uploading to the channel when posting images. All discussion should be held in your cabin's main Discord channel.

If you need an extension on the deadline for whatever reason, talk to Bossvelt and Thundawave about it beforehand. All entries submitted past the deadline will only be counted for participation points and will NOT place if they would have otherwise.


Cabin Naming

We had a number of interesting ideas going around, but each cabin has finally settled on a name for themselves. These are our new cabin names.

Cabin 1 is now known as The Crabin!
Cabin 2 is now known as Five Nights at Smash Camp Roleplay Club (FNaSCRC)!
Cabin 3 is now known as The Skeleton Fucking Appears (TSFA)!
Cabin 4 is now known as Moms In Latenight Fistfight Showdowns (MILFS)!

Cabin Flag

Create a flag to represent you and your cabin and submit it in your cabin's submission channel! Try and think of something to represent your cabin specifically. Vote on which flag should be used, and your counselor will confirm the final flag with the camp leaders. This flag will be displayed in every leaderboard update, so choose wisely!

Contest Guidelines

  • Flags MUST have dimensions of 300 x 150 px.
  • Flags must contain your cabin name.
  • You may use any art medium to create your flag.
You will receive 10 points if you submit a flag. Entries made with clearly low effort will NOT count for participation.

Notice: We expect the representative flag to be submitted by cabin counselors in the submission channel before the start of Day Two.

Color Shape

Guide your shape through color-coordinated zones!

Remember to have hardware acceleration enabled on your internet browser to improve performance of flash games!

To receive points for daily games, you must post screenshots of your ENTIRE SCREEN when you hit game over.

1st place will be awarded 75 points
2nd place will be awarded 50 points
3rd place will be awarded 30 points
4th place will be awarded 20 points
5th through 10th place will be awarded 10 points


Keep the ball on the track and guide it away from obstacles!

Remember to have hardware acceleration enabled on your internet browser to improve performance of flash games!

To receive points for daily games, you must post screenshots of your ENTIRE SCREEN when you hit game over.

1st place will be awarded 75 points
2nd place will be awarded 50 points
3rd place will be awarded 30 points
4th place will be awarded 20 points
5th through 10th place will be awarded 10 points

Scavenger Hunt (Day 1)

A staple of Smash Camp that we're excited to bring back this year! For this event, we will provide a list of items that each camper will need to find and take a picture of in real life. Find them, take a picture of them (with the required proof - see below), and get some points! You will earn 5 points for each picture submitted, with an extra 5 bonus points available for specific items.

Contest Guidelines

  • You may only take photos of these items in person (in your house, at a store, wherever as long as you're physically with the item). It cannot be a screenshot or an image from the internet.
  • Your photo absolutely must be accompanied by a slip of paper with your username and cabin number on it (see the example below).
  • In the past we've been lenient with the validity of submissions that were not totally accurate but showed effort and/or creativity. This year, we will only accept submissions that are accurate as to what we're requesting (e.g. if we ask for a lime, we wouldn't accept a lemon that's been painted green).
  • Bonus points will be available for one or more items per day. These points will be awarded at the discretion of camp staff for submissions that meet the bonus requirements.

Today's items are the following:
  • A sunset or sunrise
  • A real fish (can be dead but has to be mostly whole)
  • A pedometer Bonus for 1000+ steps

Example submission:

Guess the Image (Day 1)

Guess what an image is by looking at a cropped version of it! Counselors (or a chosen representative) will include their cabin's guesses in their daily submission before midnight. Cabins will net 10 points per correct answer. The images and prompts for today can be found here.


One of Smash Camp's biggest attractions is our game tournaments! Starting today with Day 1, all tournaments have BEGUN! Check out the tournament channels as tournaments proceed, and see whom you will be paired against! Remember, all tournaments have a one day match cycle, so you need to be on top of each match!

Side Events

Once you finish your daily activities, we strongly encourage you to participate in our side events! Some of these will last all of Smash Camp, and some have deadlines. Make sure to read the rules and enjoy what we think is one of the coolest parts of Smash Camp! Additional details for each of the side events can be found here.

Good luck everyone, and have a great first day of camp!