Day 5 is upon us, Smash Camp! This is your last chance to scramble to the top! Before the mad dash to the end, let's see where everyone stands after yesterday's results.

Picture Quiz (Day 4)

We hope you guys enjoyed trying to figure these out! The answers are as follows:
  1. Oyasumi Punpun
  2. Boba Tea
  3. Japan / Land of the Rising Sun
  4. Weezer
  5. Splitgate
  6. Elden Ring
  7. Phoenix
  8. My Brother in Christ
  9. Ninja Gaiden
  10. Serial Experiments Lain
Here are the results:
The Crabin: 80 points
Five Nights at Smash Camp Roleplay Club (FNaSCRPC): 100 points
Moms In Latenight Fistfight Showdowns (MILFS): 100 points

Endless Pursuit

Hot Mom Elmina
Hot Bread#3047
🦀claw weapon🦀
Magolor Furtively Appears!

Gusano Go

🦀claw weapon🦀
Magolor Furtively Appears!

Scavenger Hunt (Day 4)

We've enjoyed seeing your submissions come in - here are some of our favorites from yesterday!

Cabin Standings

The standings at the end of Day Four are as follows:

The Crabin: 3291
Five Nights at Smash Camp Roleplay Club (FNaSCRPC): 2627
Moms In Latenight Fistfight Showdowns (MILFS): 2441

*Side event scores are counted as the week progresses.



Pick your poison: writing or art? This event is mutually exclusive with the writing competition. If you submit (individually) for one, you CANNOT submit for the other. Submitting for both will result in 0 points. Choose wisely.

In this contest, we want you to make whatever style of art you feel most comfortable with as long as it's about putting a twist to a video game/media scene of your choice. You can do signature style graphics, traditional art, digital art, whatever it may be. Take what you do best and make the best piece of art you possibly can!

Contest Guidelines
  • Theme: Put a twist to a video game/media scene of your choice.
  • Dimensions: Must not exceed 1240 x 1080 px if digital or standard 8.5" x 11" paper if traditional. Can be any dimensions within these restrictions.
  • You may include a two-sentence context or link with your submission. This doesn't count for points, but it may help us understand your piece if we don't know the scene.
  • You don't need to have full-body images, BUT if we are indecisive about the quality between the two, the full-body image will win. [Not applicable for GFX]
  • No nudity or excess violence. Keep it PG-13.
  • Deadline: Friday at 11:59 PM EDT (the challenge lasts 2 days).

1st place will be awarded 100 points
2nd place will be awarded 75 points
3rd place will be awarded 50 points
4th and 5th place will be awarded 25 points
6th through 10th place will be awarded 10 points


Pick your poison: writing or art? This event is mutually exclusive with the art competition. If you submit (individually) for one, you CANNOT submit for the other. Submitting for both will result in 0 points. Choose wisely.

It's time for the aspiring authors among us to put your thinking caps on and write us a short story! We love to read short stories, no matter how good or awful they may be. Use any type of technique to try and make a compelling story of whatever genre you choose, incorporating the items and phrases below. You don't need to include these items prominently in your story, but the more prominent they are while keeping the story interesting and well-written, the more we'll consider you as a winner. Note that Smash Camp fanfics, no matter how well-written, will receive 0 points.

Items you need to include:
  • Spatula
  • Swingset
  • Goggles

Choose at least three of the five dialogue options to include in your story:
  • "Trust me, I've had years of experience with this."
  • "But what about the ___?" (fill in the blank)
  • "It's been getting a little heavy now."
  • "How did you end up over there?"
  • "Why are we doing this anymore?"

Contest Guidelines
  • Please make sure your word count is between 500 and 1000 words.
  • Keep it PG-13.
  • Deadline: Friday at 11:59 PM EDT (the challenge lasts 2 days).

1st place will be awarded 100 points
2nd place will be awarded 75 points
3rd place will be awarded 50 points
4th and 5th place will be awarded 25 points
6th through 10th place will be awarded 10 points

Deal or No Deal

it was ali's idea actually

We have a brand new event that'll give you guys one last chance to pull ahead of the pack. If you don't live under a rock, you know how this game show works. Contestants pick a briefcase as their own, then choose others to eliminate them in their pursuit to reach the big prize of a million dollars. Here is specifically how our version will work: 

  • There are 20 briefcases that have point values of 0.01 to 200. This means that you can earn up to 200 points. This also means you can earn 0.01 points.
  • Your cabin will pick a briefcase at the beginning. This will be your briefcase. If you eliminate all other briefcases and are down to the final two, you will be able to open your briefcase or switch with the last remaining briefcase.
  • Your cabin will then choose cases to open throughout the day. This will be finalized by your counselor or a cabin member your counselor has allowed to submit actions. Once a certain amount of cases are opened, your cabin will be offered a deal based on the points remaining in the non-opened cases along with dealer's own input. You may choose to take the deal if you are content with it, or you may choose no deal. You will then be forced to go through another round of opening cases before being offered a deal again. Rinse and repeat until your cabin either takes a deal or we are down to the last two cases.
  • The amount of cases that need to be opened before a deal is offered are as follows: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1.
  • Along with an all day game, there will also be ONE live game per cabin that you will need to schedule. The game works the same, except it'll be quicker due to the fact it will take place in voice call. Multiple of your cabin members can show up and give input as needed. Additionally, the point values for the live game will go from 0.01 to 100.
  • The all day game will start at 10:00 AM EST.

That's right. That means every cabin will have 2 chances to earn up to a total of 300 points each. Have fun y'all I know we will!!!


Balance your space and multiplier to make high-scoring words!

Remember to have hardware acceleration enabled on your internet browser to improve performance of flash games!

To receive points for daily games, you must post screenshots of your ENTIRE SCREEN when you hit game over.

1st place will be awarded 75 points
2nd place will be awarded 50 points
3rd place will be awarded 30 points
4th place will be awarded 20 points
5th through 10th place will be awarded 10 points


Run away from Octopuppet using stretchy spider string!

Remember to have hardware acceleration enabled on your internet browser to improve performance of flash games!

To receive points for daily games, you must post screenshots of your ENTIRE SCREEN when you hit game over.

1st place will be awarded 75 points
2nd place will be awarded 50 points
3rd place will be awarded 30 points
4th place will be awarded 20 points
5th through 10th place will be awarded 10 points

Scavenger Hunt (Day 5)

A staple of Smash Camp that we're excited to bring back this year! For this event, we will provide a list of items that each camper will need to find and take a picture of in real life. Find them, take a picture of them (with the required proof - see below), and get some points! You will earn 5 points for each picture submitted, with an extra 5 bonus points available for specific items.

Contest Guidelines

  • You may only take photos of these items in person (in your house, at a store, wherever as long as you're physically with the item). It cannot be a screenshot or an image from the internet.
  • Your photo absolutely must be accompanied by a slip of paper with your username and cabin number on it.
  • In the past we've been lenient with the validity of submissions that were not totally accurate but showed effort and/or creativity. This year, we will only accept submissions that are accurate as to what we're requesting (e.g. if we ask for a lime, we wouldn't accept a lemon that's been painted green).
  • Bonus points will be available for one or more items per day. These points will be awarded at the discretion of camp staff for submissions that meet the bonus requirements.

Today's items are the following:
  • Five physical video games Bonus if all are from different consoles
  • A trading card (must be physical, must be official) Bonus if holo card
  • A non 12 oz. drinking can Bonus if it's soda (sparkling water and energy drinks do not count)

Guess the Image (Day 5)

Guess what an image is by looking at a cropped version of it! Counselors (or a chosen representative) will include their cabin's guesses in their daily submission before midnight. Cabins will net 10 points per correct answer. The images and prompts for today can be found here.


We're nearing the end of each tournament. Good luck to those who are still battling!

Side Events

Once you finish your daily activities, we strongly encourage you to participate in our side events! Some of these will last all of Smash Camp, and some have deadlines. Make sure to read the rules and enjoy what we think is one of the coolest parts of Smash Camp! Additional details for each of the side events can be found here.


The Campies

Tomorrow we will host the Smash Camp 2022 closing awards ceremony, which includes the traditional Campie Awards! This is where we award campers with trophies that they get voted to win, by you! That's right, we want you to vote for your fellow camp mates to win the following Campies. Send a DM to Thundawave#0781 to vote. You don't have to vote for your teammates - you can also vote for members of other cabins or even staff members.

Note: You cannot vote staff members for overall best member. You also cannot vote for yourself in any category.

The Campies 2022 Award List
  • Most Creative
  • Most Competitive
  • Friendliest
  • Funniest
  • Overall Best Member
  • Saltiest
  • Biggest Dick
  • Best Rookie

And that's it guys! Hope you've enjoyed this wonderful week!